it's been too long... i told you i was goin to do this once a week, i told myself that too
Date: 28/1/10 - 5/2/10
Outlet: threadless.com
Size: small
Colour: skateboard purple
Price: free! ( a gift from nicky bear)
Why: because she loves me
Spotted: eating a kebab at bizzler, across from the ford factory in campbellfield
this tee entitled dead shred really encapsulates the modern artform that tee shirt design has become. And also it has a freaking mummy on a skateboard!
i had a pic of the awesome kebab i ate but somehow i deleted it from my camera. at least once a month my good pal scotty drives from burwood to eltham, we then drive from eltham to campbellfield in order to partake in perhaps the best kebabs in melbourne. It may be a twenty minute drive each way but for $5.50 you get a can of coke (or soft drink of your choice) and a kebab that is easily a foot and a half
it is an accomplishment to finish this meal and a mighty disappointment if you fail. Sometimes it hurts but most of the time it hurts just thinking about how long its been since your last kebab. I told myself i'd eat them more often. If bizzler made a tee i'd move to Tijuana and make it my wife... and then i'd make it my tee of the week
my name is Alex
it has been 10 days 11 hours 12 minutes 32 seconds since my last kebab...