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date 23/7 - 30/7
bought: savers
brand: universal studios
size: small
price: $3.99
colour: blues brothers
why: because one day i'll make it big in hollywood, then who'll be paying the bills? me. the hollywood kid!
its 106 miles to chicago, we've got a full tank of gas, half a pack of cigarettes, its dark, and we're wearing sunglasses
the bright lights, the fame the fortune, of hollywood. one day i'll to be amongst it, or at least its seedy underbelly. maybe i'd become a B grade actor, maybe B grade films are a little too high to aim, i'd settle for being an actor or even an extra, hell i'd settle just to be in hollywood. i think i should start production of the documentary i've been planning. it's pretty much just a film crew following me around and filming everything i do. it's mostly to capture the things that happen when there's no one around to see it. say you're walking down the street and try to get out of someone's way and you both step the same direction, or you drop an orange an make a miraculous catch by kicking it into the air and doing some sort of 360 degree backflip, you know just the usual everyday stuff.
for now at least i am stuck with being cool only when no one is looking. i'm forever telling poeple just how cool i really am. check out chicks, bartenders, baristas, but they just look at me, and ask for my money
but that will all change
when i make it in hollywood
date 16/7 - 23/7
bought: savers
brand: stoneville saloon
size: medium
price: $3.99
colour: greyish???
why: cheap drinks and lousy food what more could you want? i know! a tee to commemorate the visit
i am unsure of what to call the colour of this tee. not quite white, not quite grey but somehow its just right. there is something about this non descript colour that just yells the exact opposite of spare no expense and there must be something about that that draws me in. perhaps becaues it is in league with one of the founding ideals of one-tee-a-week and that is... that you do not have to spend money to get great fashion. fuck your ed hardy sequins and UV reflective stevie shirts i am a man of morals not labels. if ever i am able to afford a rolex i will buy one, give it to some unsuspecting person and tell them its a fake, then buy a fake rolex and wear that.
that is not to say that all designer labels are bad, but that money does not buy style. it may however pay for a flight to Alzada Montana, and the taxi to the "conveniently located in the middle of nowhere" stoneville saloon where you will find me...
sitting on a bar stool
chatting up waitresses
enjoying cheap drinks
and lousy food
wearing a fake rolex
date 9/7 - 16/7
bought: by Khai
brand: saigon
size: medium
price: a gift from a great man
colour: green machine
why: purchased on Khai's decaucherous tour of the far east from some deep opium den
the material of this tee is such that it allows for almost no stretching at all. an odd sensation to say the least. hand embroidered in the shodiest sweatshops. a piece of textile history to be sure
add to that... there is some weird show about swingers on channel 10
stay tuned for some 'care bear' action in a special one-tee-a-week shirt coming up the next few weeks