Wednesday, June 2, 2010

who can refuse a pretty girl in a top hat? not me that's for sure, and neither could John C. Holmes

date 2/4 - 9/4
bought: Ebay
brand: retro style
price: difficult to say
colour: wadd white
why: its a good excuse to have a girl in a bikini on my chest

so many questions... so much time to answer them
like why am i watching cops at 1am in the morning? why did some guy on ebay have 8 tees that he wanted to sell for $10? and how was i the only bidder... pretty sure i paid more in postage than i did for the tees and of course when you buy 8 tees there are the good ones and the bad ones to wade through... the good ones we keep the others we donate, back into the world that has served me so well

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