So it’s been a while since I’ve done this. Has it been a month? Or has it been 12? Two years ago we got close. Close to the completion of 52 tees in a year, we fell an agonizing 8 tees short. To be honest I probably bought more than I needed. The tees were infallible it is only I who failed you. It’s not like I’ve stopped buying tees either it’s just that you’ve stopped hearing about it. Like the universe my collection must expand, maybe just a few more tees and it will be complete. Or maybe I will be complete. As if a man could be complete, and if he could, as if it could be achieved by such a consumerist practice.
Our one chance is that of a fresh start. And I mean PHRESH. A new year brings new challenges and also a new format for oneteeaweek. Over the course of my blogging adventures my older tees have grown jealous. Jealous of the internet fame that has been granted to all my shiny new ones. so… from here on in YOU the reader may at times find yourself traveling in time. Into the past. My past. Looking for hints and clues for the reason I am obsessed with these sweet, sweet tees. but do not despair. For there will be more tees, both new and old.
Whatever… let’s do it
just for the hell of it
just for the love of it
Date: 1-8 of January
bought: Far East Plaza
brand: ???
size: medium
price: 20 Singapore Dollars
colour: blue whale/grey whale
why: because the government doesn’t care if you bring a whaler into Australian waters (come on Julia get your shit together)
Over the next few posts I will reveal the ‘Qantas - Singapore Collection’ an array of tees purchased on my recent visit to the land of the lion. First on the list is this whale of a tee. It has a slight ‘le chat noir’ poster feel to it. I’m pretty sure this tee is a rip off of a design by those all powerful online tee mongers threadless.
Next week? Find out why it’s called the Qantas collection