bought: Ebay
brand: Team Zissou
size: small
price: $16.99
colour: zissou Blue
why: who can resist a man in a in a sky blue tee, on a boat with a red cap and speedo
quite possibly one of the most odd films you will ever see. do yourself a favour and watch "The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou" or any film by Wes Anderson. personally i couldn't get the acoustic covers of David Bowie classics in portuguese out of my head so i had to buy the cd. if, like me, you enjoy that quirky kind of film and music 'they' call indie then get on it. but if you are indeed truly 'indie' then you will have probably seen and heard this, enjoyed it while you were the only person to have seen it and then moved on as soon as the number of followers on twitter hit 10. to the next indie hit that no one has heard of yet
but don't worry if you like this film and will continue to like this film even if it becomes popularized because like all things fashionable it moves in a circle. in a generations time people will have forgotten about it and its number of facebook fans will drop below that double digit number and thus it will become 'cool' again and by association so will you...
for about 12 seconds
but in this crazy world any longer and you've already sold out
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