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date 21/10 - 28/10 bought: savers
brand: fashion
size: small
price: $3.99
colour: "vight"
why: because the mankeenie is so 2006
spotted: sipping sangria in saint kilda pre-parklife 2010
i'm still not sure exactly who is it that makes these amazing tees but maybe bruno knows. because he knows fashion, he knows cool. or maybe its not really about bruno maybe its all just me. after all i am the one with an exponentially growing collection of tees. i like to think that as my wardrobe grows so too does my cool.
a little arrogance is a good thing. just remember its not arrogance if you can back it up... and by the end of the year fifty two of the best, random, kickass tee shirts have got my back.
my frontmy shoulders
and the upper half of my biceps
date 14/10 - 21/10
bought: savers
brand: princess cruises
size: small
price: $3.99
colour: ocean blue
why: because i am about to set sail on what will be an amazing week
i am not journeying upon a cruise ship, not one of those massive ocean going beasts filled with everything you'd find in a major city including the crime. no, i will be sailing around some tropical islands,relaxing in the sun and just generally taking my time. with the lonely island's "i'm on a boat" on repeat, and a pair of Terrence™ towel shorts and possibly a captains hat...
not to self: buy captains hat and other nautically themed apparel
date 7/10 - 14/10
bought: savers
brand: jack daniels
size: small
price: $6.99
colour: mellow yellow
why: my wardrobe was missing a certain bogan elementwhat i was originally looking for was a a white tee with the classic square jack daniels design. but this is what i found. but, you know... when in rome
i'm not sure exactly what it is that drives people to wear liquor branded merchandise, or why it is so popular with those of a certain socio-economic status. it's probably because i'm too white, too middle class, or maybe just too allergic to that sweet sweet alcohol to understand. wherever it is that jack lives he has become a little cooler in my book. but only because he made a sweet tee
date 1/10 - 7/10
bought: savers
brand: philosophy
size: small
price: $3.99
colour: named after the common teal, a member of the duck family whose eyes are surrounded by the colour
why: the colour really brings out my eyes... and it has a kitteh in a lab coat and safety goggles eating a cookie
for all the fans out there the writing under the picture reads "Cogito Ergo NOM". so if a cat was indeed a scientist of some sort what kind of science would he study? Cathematics. what an awful joke. i feel as though i need to make up for it somehow
i know... i'll watch the sequel to jaws on late night channel 7, if only there weren't so many ads for packed to the rafters.
anyone remember that show mork and mindy with robin williams? anyone remember the alien swearword mork used? well it's shuzbutt which FYI is also the name of my cat pictured here. we can thank my brother for that sweet name. he is possibly the biggest jerk i know(my cat that is). one morning i wake up to find him sitting on my bedside table. he was upset because he'd been trying to wake me for an hour. so there he was just staring at me, sitting next to a stack of origami paper knocking off the sheets one at a time... jerk. it took me like 17 cookies just to get him into my photo but it was worth it. if only to feel like david attenborough for 12 seconds